What do your tea leaves say about you?
Your Party Psychic provides customized tea leaf readings for a party setting. Party tea leaf readings are unique because of the time limits.
Each guest pours a small amount of warm water with loose tea into a cup and holds it with both hands focusing on the subject they are addressing. In this way, the guest creates a personal connection with the cup and tea while staying sanitary. Your Party Psychic looks at the formations the tea leaves have left in the bottom of the cup before giving the reading according to the vision.
If the tea is scattered loosely clinging to the rim and there is space between the teas, we say “it is showing that you are in a growth time of life and it’s time to expand your life and start new projects and take the chance you have been waiting for. Move forward to take it to the next level. You have been feeling the need and now it is time for new projects, travel, and new jobs to let the past go.”
If the leaves are clumped to the bottom of the cup, “it’s time to stay grounded and reserve your energy and complete all unfinished issues and connect with your inner self with meditation and contemplation.”
After the reading, wet tea leaves are cleaned and thrown away for the next guest.